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16th Annual General Meeting (AGM) Deferment

Greetings from ACCS!   We would like to update you on the email that was sent on 16 May 2020 on the deferment of the 16th AGM.



A total of 95 responses were received out of 124 emails sent out; of which the following are the numbers for the respective items that were laid out:   


1. Defer the 16th AGM to no later than 30 September 2020 – 96 approved (77.4% approved, 0% against)


2.  Reduce forming of quorum from total of 30 voting membership to 20 voting membership only for the 16th AGM – 91 approved, 5 against (73.4% approved, 4% against)


3.  To allow proxies to be constituted as part of the quorum only for the 16th AGM – 93 approved, 3 against (75% approved,  2.4% against)


As there are more than 2/3 consensus of voting members for all of the above-mentioned items, the proposals are deemed as approved and the AGM has been postponed. We will inform you of further details on the AGM in due course.


Thank you for your continued support.

ACCS Executive Committee (2018-2020)

AGM 2.jfif
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